Data on Representatives (sto_representant)

The table sto_representative gives a continuous overview of the Storting representatives: both the elected and deputy representatives. The table is based on its predecessor Norske_stortingpolitikere and derives the values from there. For more recent data, we collect data from, especially from the tables that we have called sto_Representant$ and sto_Innvalgt$.

The table applies to the proper Storting. The representatives in the extraordinary Storting are listed in the table sto_representant_ov. Since sto_representant_ov is constructed on the basis of sto_representant, we preserve the representatives of the first extraordinary Storting here as well. These representatives have been given the fictitious period number -1.

The most important update is, of course, after the general election, but there are also changes along the way. The variables are as follows:

Personal identification number (person)

Main index. Continuous internal identifier from the table i_politikere. Is mandatory and unique. Example: Tina Bru is 31610.

Period (period)

The Storting's consecutive numbering of parliamentary periods, where the number is set equal to the number of the period's first session. Corresponding annual figures can be found in the table i_stortingsperioder. Note that the National Assembly of 1814, which is not considered a Storting, has the number 0. Example: Period number 166 indicates the period 2021-2025.

Electoral District (valgdistriktskode)

Indicates the representative's electoral district according to the existing numbering in Polsys, as explained in i_valgdistriktskoder. Example: 16013 indicates 3rd district, Baklandet, valid period 56-68.

Party (parti)

Continuous code indicating which political party the representative belongs to. The codes are given in the table i_parti. If the party affiliation changes during the period, we get a new entry in the table. We make a strict distinction between party and election lists so that, for example, the representatives from the Socialist Election Association are listed under their respective parties before the majority of them were gathered in the Socialist Left Party. Example: 31 is Venstre.

Representative Number (repnr)

The mandate number in the constituency for an elected representative. Is NULL for deputies.

Deputy Number (supnr)

Specifies the order of the electoral list for deputy representatives. Originally, both representatives and deputy representatives were chosen by electors in personal elections, and supnr is then arranged as repnr, as a rule with the same number of people on the list. After direct elections were introduced in 1906, the deputy representatives were numbered separately within each electoral list. In individual districts, the supnr, as well as the repnr, is always 1. Is NULL for elected representatives.

From date (fra_dato)

Start date of this entry. Applies to the period when the person has been elected as a representative or deputy, not just the time the person has actually met at the Storting. In most cases, the date will be equal to the start of the parliamentary term; deviations are usually due to changes in party affiliation.

To date (til_dato)

End date for this entry. Applies to the period when the person has been elected as a representative or deputy, not just the time the person has actually met at the Storting. In most cases, the date will be equal to the end of the parliamentary term; deviations are usually due to a change in party affiliation or death.

Comment (kommentar)

Explanatory supplement.

Storting activity (temporary) (temp_stortingsaktivitet)

Temporary variable. Retrieved from the Storting activity variable in the old Polsys table B1905_Person and depicts the person's merits in the Storting. As a rule, this information is taken care of in the other variables, but a review is necessary to ensure that information is not lost. When the job is done, the variable will be removed.