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Data on the Political System

These pages cover documentation of NSD's archives about the Norwegian political system. The English version of the documentation is not as comprehensive as the Norwegian one. However, all the archives have an abstract in English. In some of the archives we also present tables and overviews prepared by NSD.


Data on the Norwegian parliament, the Storting, is divided into three main areas: Biographies of the politicians, votes at the Storting, and remarks in recommendations.


The government pages consist of data about all Norwegian governments since the dissolution of Denmark-Norway in 1814.


The party data consist mainly of party manifestos and press releases in text format as well as a dataset where the content of the manifestos is coded.

Other Archives

Archive of Academicians and Archive of Members of Company Boards.

Mapping organizational change in the state

Paul G. Roness og Vidar W. Rolland has written a paper which discuss the challenges and classifications you are faced with when mapping change in the state. The paper were presented at an international conferences i Dublin in March 2009. MORE (pdf)

Mapping organizational units in the state

Paul G. Roness og Vidar W. Rolland has written a paper which discuss the challenges and classifications you are faced with when mapping change in the state. The paper were presented at an international conferences i Dublin in March 2009. MORE (pdf)

Mapping the Irish State

At University College Dublin, a project has been started up building a searchable time-series database of national-level state institutions. The project is inspired by the Norwegian State Administration Database MORE