Background information (i_politikere)

The table i_politikere contains basic data about people in Norwegian politics from 1814 onwards. Storting politicians cover representatives and deputy representatives. Government politicians are mostly ministers and state secretaries, but also the occasional political adviser.

The data quality is generally good.

Personal identification number (person)

Unique consecutive serial number that identifies each and every politician. Example: Guro Fjellanger is 2344.

The Storting's personal identifier (sto_id)

The Storting's own identifier, 2-6 capital letters based on the name. Is unique and defined for representatives and deputy representatives from 1945. For links to the Storting biographies in Norwegian, the identifier is concatenated after . Eksempel: Guro Fjellanger is 'GFJ', and the biography page is then

The Government's personal identifier (reg_id)

The Government's own identifier. In principle, it covers everyone who has been connected to the Government, but there are also many gaps. In addition, has been unavailable since November 2021. Example: Guro Fjellanger is 'PERSON_GU_FJ'.

The Digital Archives' personal identifier (dig_id)

Identifier from the Digital Archives, obtained from the Historical Population Register (Histreg). For postings in the Digital Archives, the identifier is concatenated to the appropriate URL, for example after Example: John Lyng is pc00000002243778, and the biography page then becomes

First name (fornavn)

All first and middle names.

Family name (etternavn)

Last used family name. Typical name changes are when women marry or divorce.

Birth date (født)

Date of birth if publicly known.

Birth year (fødselsår)

The year of birth is supplied for almost all politicians.

Birth place (fødested)

Name of place (municipality or other) where the person was born. Missing for the most part.

Death date (død)

Dødsdato hvis kjent.

Death year (dødsår)

The year of death is included as a separate variable for those cases where we do not have the exact date of death. If death is filled in, date of death will also be, but not necessarily the other way around.

Gender (kjønn)

1=male, 2=female. Other values may be added, but so far it has not been relevant.

Reference for birth and death (fødsel_død_ref)

Source for date of birth and death, often web address.

Comment (kommentar)

Explanatory supplement