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Data on the Norwegian parliament, the Storting, is divided into three main areas: Biographies of the politicians, votes at the Storting, and remarks in recommendations. In addition there is a minor dataset with private proposals.

There are four archives of politicians covering different time periods. This fourfold division is due to the fact that 200 years of information, varying both in contents and quality, is rather difficult to standardize. Anyhow, The Archives of Politicians 1814-present covers the whole period, and includes at least some of the variables that are comparable.

Archive of Politicians 1814-1905

Biographical information: education, occupation, political career etc.

Archive of Politicians 1905-1940

Biographical information: education, occupation, political career etc.

Archive of Politicians 1945-present

Biographical information: education, occupation, political career etc.

Archive of Politicians 1814-present

Common information from the three time limited archives of politicians (gender, age, election district etc).

Archive of Voting Records

Votes of politicians in parliament - newer.

Archive of Voting Records 1814-1940

Votes of politicians in parliament - former.

Archive of Remarks in Recommendations

Remarks in recommendations by party.

Archive of Private Proposals

Initiating and proceedings of private proposals in parliament.

Archive of Political Culture Quotes

Cultural-political quotes retrived from parliamentary records.