Norwegian state secretaries (reg_statssekretær)

The table provides a continuous overview of the state secretaries.

The variables are as follows:

Personal identification number (person)

Main index. Continuous internal identifier from the table i_politikere. Is mandatory and unique. Example: Tina Bru is 31610.

Eventual position rate (evt_prosent)

Indicates the position percentage if it deviates from 100. Example: 50.

Hvilken statsråd (statsråd)

Specifies for which minister the person was state secretary. Numerical consecutive index in the table i_politikere.

'For minister' (for_statsråd)

The text as it may appear (in Norwegian): ‘for <title> <Name> (<Party>)’.

Ministry (departement)

Indicates which ministry the state secretary belongs to. Index in the table i_departementer. A state secretary can be subordinate to a minister who spans several ministries, and we then get one entry for each combination minister – ministry.

Party (parti)

Party affiliation upon entry into government. Is index in the table i_parti. Is unique for a given date, but overlaps for years when names are changed. Example: 21 gives 'Det Norske Arbeiderparti' in the period 1930-2011, 'Arbeiderpartiet' from 2011.

Accession (fra_dato)

Date of the state secretary's appointment regardless of what time of day the change takes place.

Resignation (til_dato)

Date of the state secretary's resignation. Counting whole days; if the shift occurs in the middle of the day, the date is set to the day before. Not yet completed service is defined as 09-09-9999.

Comment (kommentar)

Special circumstances.