Norwegian ministers (reg_statsråd)

The table provides a continuous overview of the ministers.

There is still some cleaning work to be done in reg_statsråd. For example, we should reduce composite titles such as 'Minister of Audit and Acting Minister of the Armed Forces'. Here, the Audit Minister has taken on a temporary position as Minister of the Armed Forces, and the dates will typically overlap with the time when the person in question is just an ordinary Audit Minister. More transparent would be to add a period of time as Minister of Defense and set the Constituent flag to 1. But it will be a formidable task.

The variables are as follows:

Personal identification number (person)

Main index. Continuous internal identifier from the table i_politikere. Is mandatory and unique. Example: Tina Bru is 31610.

Government (regjering_kode)

Index in table i_regjering. Tells which government this cabinet position applies to. Example: 'ES' stands for Erna Solberg's government.

Ministry (departement)

Indicates ministry. Index in the table i_departementer. Example: The Ministry of the Interior is 21. Is NULL for ministers without portfolio.

Type of minister (type)

Indicates the title and characteristics of the ministers; also marks cases where the minister does not strictly speaking have the Norwegian title of statsråd, such as prime minister and minister of foreign affairs. Index in the table i_statsråd_type. Example: 9 means ‘Acting minister’.

Ministerial title (tittel_kode)

Numerical consecutive index in the table i_ministertittel. Is there mandatory and unique.

Head of department (dep_leder)

Is 1 if the minister heads the ministry, otherwise 0.

Party (parti)

Party affiliation upon entry into government. Is index in the table i_parti. Is unique for a given date, but overlaps for years when names are changed. Example: 21 gives 'Det Norske Arbeiderparti' in the period 1930-2011, 'Arbeiderpartiet' from 2011.

Accession (fra_dato)

Date of the minister's appointment regardless of what time of day the change takes place.

Resignation (til_dato)

Date of the minister's resignation. Counting whole days; if the shift occurs in the middle of the day, the date is set to the day before. Not yet completed service is defined as 09-09-9999.

Comment (kommentar)

Special circumstances.