Regjeringer (i_regjering)

The table i_regjering gives a continuous overview of the governments. The Administrative Council in 1940 is included, but not illegal NS-friendly so-called governments. The table is based on reg_Regjering$ from, which is now closed.

Identification number (regjering_id)

Continuous identifier with embedded accession date. Originally taken from, but currently self-produced. Is mandatory and unique. Example: Per Borten's government is 'REGJ_PB_1965_10_12'.

Alphanumeric identifier (kode)

Short form of identifier without date. Is mandatory and unique. Example: Per Borten's government is 'PB'

Name (navn)

The name in plain text. Is mandatory and unique. Example: 'Per Borten's government'

Common name (bruksnavn)

Short form of the name of the government. Example: 'Borten'

Head of government (leder)

The head of the government at the time of formation, index to the table i_politikere. With the exception of some of the first governments, the leader is the same throughout the period.

Title for head of government (tittel_leder)

Title of the person who bears the government's name. Example: 'Prime Minister'

Time of accession (fra_dato_tid)

Date, possibly also time, of the government taking office.

Time of departure (til_dato_tid)

Date, possibly also time, of the government's resignation. For the current government, the date is 09/09/9999.

Parliamentary basis (parlamentarisk_grunnlag)

Plain text. Example: 'Flertallsregjering'

Parliamentary basis, English (parlamentarisk_grunnlag_eng)

Same in English. Example: 'Majority government'

Reason for accession (tiltredelsesgrunn)

The basis for the government to take office. Example: 'Skifte etter valg'

Reason for accession, English (tiltredelsesgrunn_eng)

Same in English. Example: 'Change after general elections'

Reason for resignation (fratredelsesgrunn)

The reason why the government had to resign. Example: 'Regjeringskrise'

Reason for resignation, English (fratredelsesgrunn_eng)

Same in English. Example: 'Government crisis'

Number of parties (antall_partier)

The total number of parties that have participated in this government, not necessarily at the same time.

Parties (partier)

The participating parties are listed here with short names. Example: 'H+Sp+KrF+V'

Parties, English (partier_eng)

Same in English. Example: 'Cons.+Cent.+CDP+Lib.'

Parties, full name (partier_tekst)

The participating parties are listed here with their full names. Example: ‘Høyre, Senterpartiet, Kristelig Folkeparti og Venstre’

Parties, full name, English (partier_tekst_eng)

Same in English. Example: 'Conservative Party, Center Party, Christian Democratic Party and Liberal Party'

Parties, index (partier_kode)

The participating parties are listed here with an index to the party table. Example: '71,41,51,31'