The table contains data about the election lists themselves without going into the individual list candidates. For list candidates see lis_stortingsvalg_kandidater.
Main index. Consecutive numerical identifier for this list, this election year in this electoral district.
In which year the election was held. In the case of parliamentary elections, this can be the first year in the period or the previous year.
Indicates the list's electoral district according to the existing numbering in Polsys, as explained in i_valgdistriktskoder. Example: 16013 indicates '3dje kreds, Baklandet', valid period 56-68.
The name of the electoral list, not necessarily the associated party. The list can embrace several parties, and each party can have different spellings such as Venstre and Vinstre. Information about apparentment is in a separate variable and is not part of the list name.
Possibly English list name.
Numerical identifier for the party or parties that form the basis of the list, numbered from 1 upwards. The identifier corresponds to the variable kode in the table i_parti. In SQL, the values will typically be extracted successively from index 1 upwards until the result is NULL. For example, in a shared list between 2 parties these are found in party[1] and party[2] while party[3] will return NULL.
Numerical identifier for the party or parties that participated in apparentment with this electoral list, numbered from 1 upwards. The identifier corresponds to the variable kode in the table i_parti. In SQL, the values will typically be extracted successively from index 1 upwards until the result is NULL. For example, in a shared list between 2 parties these are found in party[1] and party[2] while party[3] will return NULL.