Literature (pol_litteratur)

Literature here primarily means books or articles written by or about the politician. The information has mostly been obtained through self-reporting by parliamentary representatives on questionnaires. The table therefore contains the most important literary products that the representative has written as well as authorized biographies. To a lesser extent, there are (probably) non-authorized biographies or works where the representative is mentioned. Duplicates cannot be avoided either, as the information comes from several older database tables. Data is taken from these old tables in Polsys:

We currently have no data sources that can provide us with an update.

Personal identification number (person)

Main index. Continuous internal identifier from the table i_politikere. Is mandatory and unique. Example: Tina Bru is 31610.

Award (utmerkelse)

The award in plain text.

Role (rolle)

The person's contribution type: 'Author', 'Editor' etc. in plain text.

Author (forfatter)

Who is behind the publication, one or more people, in plain text.

Title (tittel)

The name of the publication.

Publisher (forlag)

The publisher that has published the publication, in plain text.

Place of publication (utgivelsessted)

Where the publication was published, in plain text.

Year of publication (utgivelsesår)

What year the publication was published. Is NULL if the year is not specified.

End year (til_år)

If the publication spans several years, the closing year can be stated here.

Note (merknad)

Additional information.

Source (kilde)

Where the information comes from, if known. Typical values are 'Haffner', 'Lindstøl', 'Politikerarkivet 1814-1986' and 'Stortinget'.