Storting sessions (i_stortingssesjoner)

Here we find a translation from each Storting session to the years covered by the session, as well as corresponding variables that belong here. The table builds on its predecessor t_storting_stortingssesjoner, which in turn contains all material from DOK_StortingSesjoner.

Unlike the basic tables, i_stortingssesjoner only deal with proper storting. The extraordinary ones are in a separate table i_overordentlige_storting, which is modeled in a similar way. The National Assembly at Eidsvoll is not considered a Storting and is omitted.

Session (sesjon)

Consecutive numbering, the Storting's own.

Years (årstall)

Character string with the years that the session covers, for example '1859/60' for session 16.

From date (fra_dato)

First day of the session. The exact date is not always easy to determine. Here are the guidelines we have followed:

To date (til_dato)

Last day of the session. The exact date is not always easy to determine. Here are the guidelines we have followed:

Source (kilde)

Source of information. The source 'Lindstøl' stems from the old table t_storting_stortingssesjoner and refers to the book Storthingsrepræsentanter og Suppleanter: 1814-1891: biografisk og kronologisk Fortegnelse by Tallak Lindstøl.