Archive of State Secretaries

Period: 1945-present

Tables and figures (inactive)

Informasjon om midlertidig stenging

Reduced functionality during a transitional period.

The search features and interactive tables have been temporarily removed from the Data on the Political System web pages. They will eventually be back in a new and improved version. The data itself is as comprehensive as before. Note that The Norwegian State Administration Database is not affected by the changes.

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  • State secretaries by governments
  • State secretaries by ministries
  • The governments' gender distribution
  • The state secretaries' average age by governments
  • Find person


The Archive of State secretaries consists of data about the Norwegian governments and state secretaries since 1945. Information about the state secretaries may be accessed either through 'government' or 'ministry' as the overarching structure. All in all the data contain information on three levels:

Additionally, we have also arranged some simple statistics, i.e., gender distributions and age distributions. These statistics might show some of the potential of the available data.

The search function

If you are interested in a certain person, the easiest thing to do would be to search for this person directly. However, worth noticing here is that in connection with 'Find person' we have also made a name index that includes all the persons that exist in NSD's Archives of Politicians. In other words: all former and present members (and quite a lot of substitutes) of the Storting are included in this index. With that regard we have made a simple table that systematically indicates whether the indexed persons have taken office as minister and/or state secretary and/or member of the Storting.

About Archive of State Secretaries

Sources (No English translation)